Rebellion PWR Stuff
continued Terminology Chrono 1 Bunnies and Dooms Chrono 1 Pet levelling monsters out all the time Chrono 2 Invasion Mobs, bunnies and frozen heads Chrono 3 Bunnies for golden eggs Chrono 3 Requiem Towers for Reputation Chrono 4 Evil Bunnies and hidden traps + lots of Requiem Towers for Reputation
Cave of Sadistic Glee (++)
this cave is a little redundant so we filled it
with the old FB109 bosses that drop nice
skills also added Bongso’s in there for exp.
You will also find Pet Cemeteries in there too,
they drop battle pet packs for the veno’s
Lucky lary drops tokens of luck + requiem towers for more reputation Fame Vampire also drop reputation FB109 Bosses for skills and Bongso for Experience
Even more bunnies for eggs
Seat of Torment and Abaddon
When we first got these maps the monsters
didn’t drop rep, or skills, so we added Fame
Vampires, skills book monsters and increased
the number of other mobs to make it more fun.
This is the only map that you can always
find a Modi in.
Fame Vampires in SoT drop Reputation More requiem towers hidden around the map
Also drop more reputation
Abaddon  Is much the same as SoT however it
Does not contain a Modi.